I can’t believe over a month has gone by since my last post! Being new to Blogging, one reads all the do’s and don’ts and apparently one should be posting at least once a week!!! lol

Well since my last post, and due to the Lockdown rules, I had to become Home School Teacher Mom (or “The Demon” as my Son calls me). So everything took a backseat so we could organise ourselves and into a good daily routine – so no blog posts!

During this time, I have been listening to The Right Body for You Book Club with Donnielle Carter. I have been working through the judgement I have of my body and what I eat! It has been quite a process to not judge what you eat and more so how you look! But I am enjoying the processes I am learning and definitely am feeling a difference with my Body. I am trying to listen to my Body more, ask questions and be more in tune with it.

So one of the big things I have have been ignoring from by Body is Milk! Is Milk Good for you? Is Cream Good for you? Milk vs Cream? I have one Cappuccino a day and maybe two cups of tea. My stomach is always not happy and quite swollen by early evening but I just could not bring myself to stop having the milk, I really do just enjoy the foamy coffee!!!

Jason (my husband) has always said that I should try cut out the milk because it does not agree with my body and also causes inflammation, but last Sunday he showed me a YouTube video by KenDBerryMD (click here to see the video). After watching this video, it made complete sense and I decided to finally listen to my body, take the plunge and stop consuming Milk, because deep down my Body has been screaming at me to stop. What I learnt from the Video is that Milk has Sugar, Protein and Fat (Cream). Fat Free Milk is predominantly Sugar and Protein! even 2% Milk is Sugar, Protein and some fat. Whole Milk or Full Cream Milk is the best of the three because it at least contains the cream as well (I was drinking full cream milk). Our Bodies can not process the Protein in the Milk, as this Protein is meant for baby cows and we definitely don’t need the sugar. However, our bodies can process the Cream (Fat) and therefore cream on it’s own is more suitable for our bodies to process. Along with Butter and good quality hard cheese. This is really my layman summary take on this, so please rather watch the video to get the full explanation and reasoning – it makes more sense coming from KenDBerryMD !!!

So, Milk vs Cream? Only you can make that decision for yourself and your body. My Body does not enjoy processing Milk but it is okay with Cream, Butter and some good quality Cheese.

To my surprise, I can still have my cappuccino but with cream! So this whole week I have been frothing my little bit of cream (I just add a little water to the cream and froth in my Nespresso Aerocino.

My body and specifically my stomach have been very happy this week. My stomach shrunk within two days! I have also lost about 2 kg this week. It may sound strange speaking about my body as separate to me, but it really is and it seems we just loose the ability to listen to it, due to various circumstances or just as we get older. We ignore the signals of when it is full or when something does not agree with it, and we still keep eating it or doing it to our bodies. And then wonder why we have problems whether it be extra weight, eczema, inflammation, diabetes, under-weight, allergies, etc.

Donnielle Carter, co author of the Right Body for You is so good at explaining the processes required to renew that natural relationship we have with our Bodies. I am so grateful for joining this Book Club as it is making a huge contribution and change to my Body. Things I have always known but ignored, are feeling so much more natural to change now.

We have just completed Chapter 6 and I am really looking forward to the next 8 weeks!

Hope this can be a contribution to you in some way.

Always keep Discovering xx

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